
It’s Fun Being Nominated!!


liebster-awardI’m a nominee! Of the Liebster Blog Award! And I’m as excited as though it was the Nobel Prize or Oscars! You might have guessed by the number of exclamatory marks in this paragraph! I have been nominated by the extremely talented A. Mittal for The Liebster Blog Award (‘liebster’ means ‘beloved’ or ‘dearest’ in German), which is given to new bloggers with less than 200 followers to recognize and promote them. Thank you A! Here are the rules:

  • Post the award on your blog
  • Thank the blogger who nominated you for this award and link them in your post.
  • Write 11 random facts about you.
  • Answer the 11 questions asked of you.
  • Post 11 questions for your nominees to answer.
  • Recognize 11 other bloggers that you think deserves this award, and try to avoid nominating bloggers who already have a Liebster Award nomination. Notify them of your nomination and post your link.

So here are 11 random facts about me:
1. I can never remember the murderer in mystery books after reading just once (except in some cases like in ‘The Murder of Roger Ackroyd’). So I can read the same suspenseful book at least thrice with the same puzzlement and thrill.
2. I got my ears pierced under local anaesthesia.
3. I own three pairs of one year-old high heels which I haven’t worn even once.
4. I make a killer pressure-cooked pasta. Which nobody in my home eats for some reason.
5. I’ve read at least 500 romantic novels; and that’s a conservative estimate.
6. I once ate Chinese noodles for breakfast, lunch and dinner: six meals in a row. And was sad when I had to eat rice for the seventh meal.
7. I have a very low threshold for ‘liking’ stuff. I actually loved the ‘Twilight’ series when I read it for the first time. The second time I couldn’t read one page without getting disgusted at the whiny heroine. But that was probably because I’d seen the movie (two words: Kristin Stewart).
8. I fell in love with my music teacher in the fourth grade because he could play ‘Do Re Mi’ on the guitar.
9. I don’t like amusement park rides, except the kiddie ones.
10. I hate washing clothes, so I leave it for as long as my conscience and sense of hygiene permits.
11. Ear-rings are my favorite accessory, and I own almost a hundred pairs.

Although my nominator did not ask questions of me, I’d like to ask my nominees to answer the following 11 questions:
Q1. Your favorite book. 
Q2. The most memorable outing/expedition/trip/journey you’ve been to.
Q3. Your favorite place in the whole world.
Q4. Would you rather undertake a journey by rail, car, air or sea and why?
Q5. Tea or coffee?
Q6. Your favorite movie. Or Three.
Q7. Cats or Dogs?
Q8. Favorite superhero and why?
Q9. Favorite website.
Q10. When you were 10 years old, what did you want to be when you grew up?
Q11. If you could go back in time and change one thing, what would it be?

Here are the blogs I nominate for the Liebster Award:



An Urban Mystic’s Blog

What Is Taste


I hope you’ll participate!



WordPress is Pretty Awesome

I love the email updates I get from WordPress! They aren’t exactly, but very close to being, the highlights of most of my days (that probably says things about me I’d rather not delve too deep into).

The subject line is “(name of blogger) liked your post..”, which is great in itself, but the content is even better–“they thought (title of post) was pretty awesome”. And it just makes my day!
Of course, I realize ‘awesome’ probably isn’t the word those bloggers would use to describe my posts, but still I choose to believe WordPress’ version rather than my own pessimistic one. And it fills me with hope, and determination to improve, and a little bit of pride too.

So THANK YOU WordPress for the encouragement and optimism, and for being this awesome.